Seriously. Nothing at all. Because I have nothing to say right now, other than I am testing out WordPress with this ActivityPub plugin that will allow people to follow my so-called blog directly from Mastodon. Or wherever else in the Fediverse. In theory, anyway.

Does anyone even blog anymore? I mean, aside from the medium or substack or whatever posts, which are really just for people who have newsletters, right? To subscribe to them, and pay for them. Like, people get attention and become popular and make money for things that don’t involve taking their shirts–and pants–off? Weird. Maybe I should look into that more.

Oh, I guess that’s kind of what I’m doing here by writing something. But no one will pay for this. No one will probably even read this. I guess I should stick a shirtless pic in just so anyone will even pay attention to it.

You’re welcome.

Black and white shirtless mirror selfie, wearing grey sweatpants with a black wasitband that are just barely visible. Dumb cocky boy look on my face as I look at my phone taking the pic.